Art Madness

The Deco Arts Spring Break Camp week at Glen Echo Park, Maryland, was nothing short of spectacular for our young artists!

Registration Opens Today!

Are you ready for a creative adventure this spring break and summer? Look no further because registration for our exciting Deco Arts Spring Break Camp and Summer Camps is officially open today! Get ready to unleash your imagination, explore new artistic techniques, and create unforgettable memories with us.

Summer Camp in Action

I am beyond excited to be back in person this summer with my amazing campers! Here are some highlights from our summer so far! You can see the bags that campers decorate to bring home their projects. You can see our differentiated color wheel project, and a even more advanced version done by a fantastic... Continue Reading →

A Virtual Summer

This year the Decorative and Fine Arts Camp is coming to you… in a box! Your child can create fantastic objects, fossils, miniature clay sculptures, and color wheels on real canvas. Learn fundamentals like color, shape, line and texture! The box will have 5 fantastic projects, that come with five instructional videos, one for every... Continue Reading →

Carousel of Animals Camp

For one week every summer I will put a pause on my Decorative and Fine Arts Camp and switch gears. From 6-12 year olds come the 12-18 year olds. We spend an entire week creating large scale carousel animal inspired sculptures. The campers design their animals, I build them wooden armatures, and then they cover... Continue Reading →

Clay Explorations

Every week at the Decorative and Fine Arts Camp we start off the week with painting in the mornings and clay in the afternoon! It's always a big hit. We have a clay tile relief sculpture project with more specific instructions and then campers also have the freedom to do free experimentation and sculpture making.... Continue Reading →

Mushy Maché

We are having so much fun with papier maché and recycled materials this summer at the Decorative and Fine Arts Camp! Students help us amass a selection of cool shaped recyclables like berry containers cans and paper towel rolls and transform them into papier maché sculptures.

Rolling into Summer with Color Wheels!

I couldn't be more proud/happy/excited/nervous/ecstatic/ready to be back at the Decorative and Fine Arts Camp, and this time as the camp owner. Since my amazing mentor and talented sculptor Sinclair Hamilton retired I will now be running the Decorative and Fine Arts Camp under Emma Teaches Art LLC. and in partnership with Glen Echo. So... Continue Reading →

Summer Fun

I have the wonderful gift of being able to stay home with my daughter during the summer and we had an amazing time going down to the museums and making art together at home. However, I did let grandma take her for a week so that I could substitute for an old friend at the... Continue Reading →

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